Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Eight years is a long time for you to be away
It seems like only yesterday that we received the news
Now every year on Father’s Day we try to hide our blues
I wish I had one more day
To show you that I love you and that I want you to stay...
I know heaven is a great place, but my heart wishes you were here
So on this day of Dad celebration I will silently pray you know we all miss you, and wish you a Happy Father’s Day

This is a poem I wrote for Father's Day, and I hope that all the Dad's have a great day.

My Birthday

I know this is late in coming since my birthday was on the 11th, but I wanted to say it was a nice day even though I had to teach. I got to go out for drinks with some teacher friends, had many phone calls from family and friend. My mom, C-Bear, and one of my sisters all sang Happy Birthday to me via my voicemail. I appreciate all the good wishes. My surprise was my BFF and Peanut coming to visit for one night. They flew in Friday and hung out in my apartment with me. On Saturday I took a test for teaching certification then we went downtown and walked in the crazy heat, had an interesting lunch with a series of wrong or forgotten items by our waitress. Then we went and walked in a Wildlife Refuge, where we got to see some birds and a turtle and some could have sworn an alligator...I don't think we have any in PA. Then onto the airport where they caught a flight home and I got to go work at my other job. It was a whirlwind, but it good time.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Full Weekend

At the beginning of the month I was able to travel to Michigan to see my Peanut make her First Communion. It was a very full weekend, but a lot of fun. I got to see C. Bear and E. and family, plus some of my family for a yummy dinner at Papa Vino's. Earlier I got to see Crafty's new house and have lunch with the little Prince, his momma, and H. from the bookstore. I had a great time and seeing Peanut on her special day was great. Here are some of the snapshots from the weekend.

Happy Birthday To You...

Today is the day that my Peanut was born 8 years ago. One of my nephews Q. was born 16 years ago. Last but not lease one of my closest friends was born 30 some years ago the Undertaker. Having all of them in my life has been a true blessing. I hope all of them have a great day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Break Part 2

This picture above was at the Firemen's Museum, and its a shot of debris from Ground Zero. I didn't know that any firehouse that helped during that time got sent ash and debris from NYC, it was very moving to see. I explained to my Peanut what had happened and she demanded to know who the man was that didn't like America. She looked at these things for a long time.

Spring Break in Philly

I had my first official vistors to Philly and we had a great time. My BFF, Peanut, Curly-Q and Munchkin flew in from Michigan for 4 days. We went to the ocean and into downtown Philly to see the Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross's house, Ben Franklin's grave, Firemen's Museum, and Reading Terminal. We had cheesesteaks and went to the Cheesecake Factory. It was a full 4 days and I'm grateful they came to see me it was a boost to have visitors, but obviously all good things must end. However, they will come back and visit.

My Munchkin Part 2

Here is my munchkin yelling for me... I tried to get this to load with the other, but I couldn't get it to work. So enjoy another bout of my little munchkie munchkin.

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Munchkin

I had visitors for spring break and I will post pictures soon, however here is some video of my little munchkin saying Georgina she is adorable.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Little Peanut

I know that it has been awhile since I posted, I have some pictures to show from my trip to Michigan, which was moving weekend. I got a chance to see my Peanut in her First Communion Dress. She is a pretty, pretty princess...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Look Out This Is Going To Be Ugly

I really don't know what I was thinking moving away and thinking I would be able to handle it, I mean I tried it before and didn't like it why would this time be different. Granted my landlords are extremely nice, but coming to a city where I know no one is just not something I am able to do on my own. I know that I am actually doing it, but I really hate every single second of being away and I'm not sure why. It's not like I would go out and do a ton of stuff in Ohio, but I think its probably the comfort of knowing I could and could call someone and see if they wanted to hang out.

I know this is bitchy and really not being positive like everyone keeps telling me I need to be, but I guess I need to vent. Although I have vented to many these past few days (thanks to everyone for listening to my rant) I guess I'm hoping that maybe this will help as well. I really just wish that I could find the right job in the right place and I know this could be the right place, but I really don't want to be this far away from friends and family. Missing out on the bigger milestones for my nieces and nephews or even the little ones. I realize that I haven't been around for some of these, these past years because of work schedules or whatever, but the idea that it wasn't that far of a drive and it might possibly work out was always there.

Now I just feel like I'm lost in an abyss and not really sure which way to swim to get over this horrendous mountain that I feel is in front of me. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear about them, because after today I really am going to need some help.

I was at the school for the second time and got to get into my classroom to clean and setup, which was like a clean house episode or hoarders. The students who I did see were not overly friendly. I know I am the new person and they are teenagers, but really hearing I hope your not our teacher, and having them spout off in the classroom at anytime was something I wasn't really expecting.

Hopefully this will all work out positively...I guess I will see...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brace For Impact

So I know that I can be very pessimistic about my life. For some people it is hard to see that the glass is half empty! My roommate is a very optimistic person, which is great for her and I wish that I had more optimism in my life, but it always seems like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and it usually does with a big THUNK! Case in point I had an interview in Philadelphia, for a teaching position, which is a double-edged sword proposition. Anyway, my BFF's husband let me use a buddy pass to go which means flying stand-by that's fine I've done that before....

Well my flight was delayed so I didn't get to my 11:30 AM appointment until about 1:30PM since we landed late due to late flight crew. My car rental with one company was not usable since I only have a debt card they needed a credit card even though there website says they do take debit cards, but I was told if I had printed off the paper it would have told me they don't take debit cards. Why would I need to do this when the screen I'm looking at says they do take these types of cards. Anyway, I digress the company I ended up with held my bank account since I don't have good credit, and then to top it all off I took a wrong turn and I got lost along the way. The whole time I kept thinking this is why I feel the way I do and my roommate needs to be here to see this...I finally reached my destination for yes a 6 question interview, in which I believe I could have a job, but it would be like my Virginia experience basically. So then I had to get back for my return flight and of course I couldn't find a gas station anywhere to use for the rental. The time for my return flight was cut extremely close due to shuttle service and security in the airport (not that I'm complaining about security, but some airports really need to get some upgrades to provide a more efficient experience).

Anyway as I was telling the Crafter tonight about a magnet my roommate gave me for Christmas, that has a positive message on it it goes like this

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you! ~Christian D. Larson

This has a very nice sentiment to it and I really appreciate it, however Crafty thought I said the magnet said Hang In There, which is a lot shorter of a saying and more applicable to me, to which my reply was it really should say Brace For Impact, which is really what my life is about! I am really trying to work on being more positive, but until then I think I will just keep my helmet in place cause sometimes the impact is really hard!