I was re-potting some of my plants today, and it made me think of the story behind my "peace lily" by my family. Most of the plants I have are from my dad's funeral, they were all sent by friends. One in particular is one my favorites because it has such a wonderful story.
At the funeral home I was standing and talking from some friends I have from the airport, when the funeral director walks by with this plant, he was carrying it like it had a disease, it was a very large palm tree with 5 red carnations stuck in the bottom. I stopped him and asked who that particular interesting plant was from, it was from my airport co-workers. The looks of horror on their faces was priceless. After they left I found out they hand contacted the girl who had done the ordering and were telling her about the plant. She was mortified since she had called the florist and asked for a peace lily and the florist told her she didn't have any left, but there was something similar that she could send! This is my "peace lily"

I know it looks nothing even remotely close to a peace lily. The girl that ordered it hadn't realized that she was ordering from a lady that works out of her house and she either does really nice arrangements or some not so nice arrangements. Also, since my dad was killed in a car accident and I come from such a large family the florists actually refused to send some flowers to the funeral home (we found this out later...we had over 100 flowers/plants in the funeral home.
So to this day this "peace lily" has always brought a smile to my face when I think of its story. Hopefully it will survive its re-potting, but just in case I have these pictures. Although I really wish I had one with the 5 red carnations stuck in the pot!
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